đŸ–Ĩī¸Segment Report

How to review existing reports and build new reports within a segment

When you click on a segment, there are multiple built-in reports that you can use. However, you can also create custom reports to get additional insights. Let's review both of those options.

Built-in reports: The reports that come with every segment show a breakdown of the segment in question by Gender, Age, Lifespan (amount of time in the CRM), Average Check-ins Per Person, Average Purchase Per Person, as well as a chart of their activity and a list of the campaigns that the segment is being used for.

Custom Reports: To create a custom report within a segment, click on the 'New Report' button on the top right of the account.

When you do, it will open this menu.

For the report, you have a few options.

Title is simply the name of your report.

Type can be either a Conversion Metric, showing how many people in the segment have converted based on another attribute, or an Aggregate List which shows you a grouping based on a metric within a segment.

Here is an example of a Conversion Metric for a Leads Segment that shows how many users became members after showing as a lead.

And here is an example of an Aggregate List report showing

Group by is the attributes that you are running the report based off of. Make sure that these attributes are relevant to ensure your reports work correctly.

Last updated