đŸ“ŖSending a Test

There are multiple ways to send test Email and SMS Campaigns. Follow the steps below to send yours.

Test Email Campaign

From the 'Content' Stage

Step 1: Make any necessary adjustments to your template, then click 'Save.'

Step 2: Type in the email address of the test recipient, then click 'Send Test.'

From the 'Review & Send' Stage

Step 1: Find the 'Send Test Email To' box at the bottom right.

Step 2: Type in the email address of test recipient, then click 'Send Test.'

From the 'Configure' Menu

Step 1: Click 'Configure' on the top right, then 'Test Message' from the dropdown menu.

Step 2: Select 'Email' from the 'Type' menu, enter the 'To' and 'From' email addresses, the subject line, and select the template, then click 'Send.'

Test SMS Campaign

From the 'Configure' Menu

Step 1: Click 'Configure' on the top right, then 'Test Message' from the dropdown menu.

Step 2: Select 'SMS / Text Message' from the 'Type' menu, enter the recipient's phone number, the message, and any files you'd like to include (maximum file size is 5MB), then click 'Send.'

Last updated