đŸ–Ĩī¸Add / Remove Sub Users

How to add or remove Sub User accounts for team members that perform different roles in your business

Adding a Sub User

To add or remove a Sub User on your account, click your initials on the top-right, and click 'Settings.'

Once you select that option, you will see a menu on the left-hand side. Select 'Sub Users.'

To add a Sub User, select 'Add Sub User' on the top-right corner of your account.

Complete the following information, making sure to select the role that they'll be performing in the Gleantap platform - Admin, Marketing, Sales, Analyst.

Role permissions are as follows:

  • Admin - full permissions to access and edit all areas and workrooms of the platform

  • Workroom Admin - full permissions to access and edit all areas of each assigned workroom

  • Marketing - access and edit the General section, Scorecards, and Marketing section (Campaigns, Flows, Forms & Pages, and Reputation)

  • Sales - access and edit the General section, Scorecards, and Sales section (Pipeline and Appointments)

  • Analyst - access and edit the General section and Scorecards, can access Marketing section but not make edits

Now you have added a Sub User to your Gleantap account.

Removing a Sub User

Find the Sub User you'd like to remove from your account and select the trash can icon from the right, then confirm from the pop-up window.

Now you have removed this Sub User from your Gleantap account.

Last updated