ℹī¸January 31st, 2024

  1. Unsubscribe Counts - Email reporting:

    Updates have been made regarding unsubscribe counts to reflect more accuracy in email reporting.

  2. Campaign Conversions - Email (or SMS):

    Updates have been made regarding adding and deleting conversions.

  3. Search Suppression:

    Suppression lists now have a search bar to make it easy to check for a suppressed email address.

  4. Appointments Filtering - In the Last:

    When creating a segment using Appointment filters, there is now an option to use 'in the last X days' regarding the due date.

  5. Save Blocks in Email & Page Editor:

    When constructing email templates or landing pages, you now have the ability to save a row block to use again in new email templates or landing pages. Simply click on the row you're working on in the editor and then click on the Save 💾 icon that appears. You can find your saved rows under the Row options in the editor.

  6. Flyout shows Optin/Output Statuses:

    You no longer have to navigate to the customer's full profile to see their email and SMS optin/optout status - in the customer profile flyout view, the status displays up at the top.

  7. Segment Report shows Form names instead of IDs:

    When viewing the segment report, the Form name will be used rather that the ID number.

  8. Configure > Workroom Settings > Manage Locations

    Navigating to this area will allow you to manage your locations - you can add new locations and add their details.

  9. Reputation > Reviews - Search for specific Keywords:

    The Reviews page now has a search bar, allowing you to search for reviews that include specific keywords.

  10. AI Tool - for Subject / Email Campaigns:

    After you've selected your email template while creating an email campaign, you can click the AI button to generate a subject line based on the copy of your email template.

  11. Copying a Flow to another Workroom - Default Email:

    When copying a flow from one workroom to another, the copied flow will use the default email address of the workroom it's been copied to.

  12. Segments - Appointment Name - More filter options:

    More filter options have been added regarding Appointments.

  13. SMS Campaign - 1Mb - Validation:

    If attaching an image to an SMS campaign, an error message will now appear if the file size exceeds 1MB.

  14. SMS Campaign - Link auto converts in text field:

    If including a link in an SMS campaign, the link will convert to a Gleantap link once you type it into the message box for the purpose of tracking clicks - make sure it starts with https://

  15. Duplicate options for Forms & Pages:

    Easily make a copy of a Form or Page by using the 'Duplicate' option.

  16. Inbox - Hide Optin Keywords:

    In the Inbox, there is a new filter option 'Hide Opt-In / Opt-Out Keywords' - this allows you to hide conversations of people who opted out with the keyword STOP, for example.

  17. Tasks - Filter by Task Type:

    When viewing Tasks, you'll have the option to sort by or filter by task type.

  18. Flows - Task - Task Type:

    When adding a Task action item into a flow, you can indicate the task type.

  19. Merge Contacts:

    When merging contacts, the system won't overwrite email / phone.

  20. Permissions of a copied Flow:

    When copying a flow, the copied flow will have the same Managed Shared permissions same as original Flow.

  21. Editing Customer Profile:

    You can now edit a customer profile and switch them from a prospect to a member. Simply click on 'Member' or 'Prospect' found under the Account Info section to switch to the other.

  22. Scorecard:

    The column header now allows the ability to edit Custom Metric.

  23. Segment - Form Filled out on X-Y Date:

    When creating a segment using Form filters, there is now an option to use 'Form Filled out on X-Y Date' regarding when a lead filled out the form.

  24. Workroom Admin permissions:

    Workroom Admin sub-users should now be able to edit templates.

  25. Segmentation - Phone is / is not valid

    When creating a segment using the Phone filter, there is now an option to use 'is valid' to segment real phone numbers or 'is not valid' to segment fake numbers.

Last updated