ℹī¸February 16th, 2024

  1. Inbox - Filter by User Responsible:

    When filtering conversations in the inbox, there is now an option to filter contacts based on the user responsible.

  2. Flows / Campaigns - default email option:

    When setting up a flow or campaign, you'll have the ability to select 'default email' which corresponds to Workroom Default set under Configure Email.

  3. Configure AI - time window:

    Set a time window for when you want AI will respond to messages.

  4. Removed Deleted Workrooms from Copy list:

    Any deleted workrooms that appeared when copying items such as templates have been removed from the Copy list.

  5. Scorecards - open rate:

    Open Rate has been added as an option in Scorecards.

  6. Create New Template - Foundation template options:

    When starting a new template, you'll have the option to pick from a Foundation template or to start from scratch.

  7. Split Testing:

    You can split an audience into multiple parts to do split testing.

  8. Segment Issue regarding 'Is Equal To:'

    An issue where editing a segment using 'Is Equal To' getting switched to 'Is One Of' has been resolved.

  9. Flows - 'Complete' option:

    You can manually mark flows as 'Complete.'

  10. 'Manage Sharing' option:

    This option has been added for Templates, Campaigns and Segments.

  11. 'Manage Source' option:

    This option can be found in Account Settings.

  12. Contact searching within segments:

    You can now search for first name, last name, and email within segment lists.

Last updated